Purchasing new lockers means making important decisions involving a lot of money. You want to get it right, not only because of the expense, but also because it may be another 30 - 50 years or more before you pass this way again--yes, we are still furnishing replacement parts for lockers installed in the 1930's and 40's!
There are several paths to purchasing new lockers. Let's list some of them here and save a discussion of the pros and cons of each for a later time:
1. Purchasing from a general merchandise catalog house;
2. Purchasing from a material handling company, either by phone or through their catalog;
3. Purchasing from a company specializing in lockers;
4. Purchasing over the internet.
For larger projects involving new construction or extensive remodeling, lockers are often purchased through a general contractor as part of a complete building package. There are pluses and minuses to lumping your new lockers into a general construction contract, and we will take a look at that method of locker purchase as well.
In the meantime, if we can help with any of your new locker or locker parts needs, click on any of the links on the link menu to the left.
Friday, September 07, 2007
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